Thirteen years ago this week, on Valentine's Day, we were contacted by our adoption agency and they gave us the official word that we had been picked by a birthmother. Valentine's Day is a very special day because of this. When we received that news, our lives changed forever. We are so thankful we were given the opportunity to experience the birth and life of a perfect little boy. Issac will be turning 13 in just a few weeks and I cannot believe how fast the years have passed. We will have a teenager in just a matter of days and he is turning into a wonderful young man. On Valentines' Day, I'm sure I will tell him his story of how we received the news that we had been picked. When he was small, he loved his story, then he just thought I was kinda corny. I'm anxious to hear his reaction this year. I love to make him roll his eyes and give me that look like "my mom's crazy." haha It's amazing how much joy comes in making our children think we've lost our minds.
Hugs, love and kisses to everyone on Valentine's Day!!