Well, it's official. We have a teenager and he has his dancing shoes on again. The boy's basketball team is sponsoring a Sadie Hawkin's Dance tonight and he's there cuttin' a rug or standing on the boy's side of the commons area (I'm not sure which one, but I would guess the first). He turned 13 at 8:27 pm last night while we were at the high school boy's region finals, so we will be celebrating his birthday on Sunday. He and a few of his friends and family are going to a sport's grill/game room. That is what Issac wanted to do, and he is pretty excited about it.
It's hard to believe how fast the time has gone by. It seems it has just been a few days since I made the picture of him playing his guitar. Look at that sweet little face. We love this little boy/young man like only a mother and father can understand. We thank God every day we have been given such a perfect gift and we are SO BLESSED!!!!!!!
When I originally started this blog, we had hoped we would be travelling to China during this month to bring a very special little girl to our home. But our direction has changed. Now we are praying for the PreApproval of another family to bring home the same very special little girl. She deserves to be in a home with a family, and hopefully, she will have a large family with lots of people to love her.
These past six months have been a roller coaster ride, extreme highs followed by extreme lows. God has been with us and given us the strength and courage to face the issues involved with this disappointment. It has not been easy! But I know, I will not have to face more than He will give me the strength to endure. Please continue to pray for Salem's safety and health until she is home, and pray for us as we continue to do as we are led.