For all reading this, we wish you a very Merry Christmas! We just celebrated our Christmas at home and Issac seems to be very happy. He is in his room now watching the Santa Claus 3 movie and putting away his other things. Yesterday was spent with Richie's dad, step-mom, his three sisters, and their spouses and children. We are very blessed to have large families with lots of children, but the only thing is we don't get to spend as much time with them as we wish we could. I got to play "Are you smarter than a fifth grader?" with some of the kids and we won a million dollars. (Now I guess I just wait for the check to come in the mail. ha ha)
Today after attending our annual Christmas breakfast at church and enjoying the children's Christmas program, we celebrated with Richie's mom, step-dad, his other sisters, spouses, nieces, nephews, and children. We had one celebrating his first Christmas this year, 4-month-old, Alexander, and everyone was oooohing and aaaahing over him. We played the Dirty Santa game, and I drew the #3, which is not a good #, so I went and got an ink pen out and changed my # to a higher one. Of course I had to confess after almost getting away with it, but it was worth a laugh.
Monday and Tuesday we have more family gatherings and will be quite busy, but we are spending time with family and that is what the holidays are all about. When we contacted the agency last week to ask about our PA, they told us they hope to know something by Monday, so we are hoping for a Christmas miracle. After all that has happened over the past 5-6 years, and then two years ago when I received the CD with the Christmas song "All I Really Want for Christmas," on Cassi's actual birth day, nothing would be more fitting than the actual PA from the CCAA saying that we can move forward with the adoption of the birthday girl.
Take a little extra time this Christmas to be especially thankful for your family and children. There are so many little ones that never celebrate special occasions with a family of their own and the sad truth is, there are so many of us that never even think about it or realize it. Until we adopted Issac and then had the burden for other children, I just had gone through life without really thinking about how I can help change the life of other children. Every child deserves a family to call their own and we can all help in some way. Whether it's supporting a family that has made the step of faith to adopt or foster, or maybe you realize that you have room in your house for another, do something to make a difference.
Once again, thank you to everyone who has been and are continuing to be so supportive in our life changing journey. Your thoughts, prayers, kind acts and words of encouragement mean more than you will ever know. Tonight and for the next few days, Cassi will especially be on our hearts and minds. I may not have the time to post again until after Christmas and her birthday, but please keep us in your prayers. Love your family and have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!